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Test Case Design Techniques

This two-day course teaches participants a number of advanced test case design techniques.

Software Testing Techniques for User Acceptance and System Integration Testing

This two-day course is designed to bridge the “testing gap”. It is aimed at software testers who need a practical approach to User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and System Integration Testing (SIT) that can be applied to software projects in the real world.

Software Testing

This two-day course is essential for those who want to understand the role of software testing in improving software quality.

Software Testing Curriculum

The Software Testing Curriculum is a practical curriculum based on proven software testing strategies that work in the real world.  It has been designed to improve the the skills as well as the knowledge of software testers.

Scrum and Agile Practices

This course is designed to provide an honest, independent perspective of Scrum that arms participants with sufficient understanding to decide on the next step for their organisation.

Risk Based Testing

This two-day course teaches participants how they can respond to to tight schedules by testing smarter not harder. They learn how to analyse and respond to risk, allowing them to better prioritise their test activities which in turn maximises the effectiveness of the test effort.

Requirements Analysis for Business and Systems Analysts

This three-day course describes an approach to requirements analysis that can be applied by requirements analysts with different levels of experience.

Information Gathering for Business and Systems Analysts

This two-day course equips participants with a tool kit of interviewing and workshop facilitation techniques. The course relies on a minimum of theory, emphasising group activities and role-playing as the appropriate way to learn.

Essentials of Business Analysis

A two-day course based on real-world experience and lessons learnt by practising business analysts.

Concepts of Automated Testing

This two-day course provides an opportunity to get to grips with test automation. It offers a unique combination of automation theory backed up by examples of test automation tools.

Agile Business Analysis

Based on the Requirements Discovery Canvas, this two-day course explains the role of business analysis in a Scrum team.

More About Describing Software Features

A comparison of popular approaches for describing software features which shows how a verb-noun template can be extended to become a universal template for describing software features.

Will Anyone Read an Article About Documentation?

On reflection, I probably shouldn't be too surprised at the lack of interest.  Including the word documentation in the title of an article almost guarantees that no will read it!  Or maybe it's because my reference to comprehensive documentation is too subtle?

What Happens to Sprint Backlog Items at the End of a Sprint?

What happens to a Sprint Backlog Item at the end of a sprint?  Does it have no further use? Should the team just tear up the story card and throw it away?

Change Driven Training

When staff return to their workplace after attending a training course, they are often reminded that knowledge and skills are not the same thing. It’s common for staff to have difficulty applying what they have learnt on a course.

Planning Online Meetings

This post decsirbes a simple model for planning online meetings that can be easily recalled using the acronym OSIRePMo.

The Requirements Discovery Canvas in Action

My workshop participants love the way they can review what we have covered in real time using Trello.

The Three ’E’s of Agile Business Analysis

The three 'E's of Agile Business Analysis are Elicit, Elaborate and Emerge.

Scrum and Agile Practices

Had great feedback for my Scrum and Agile Practices course, delivered for an organisation in Bangkok planning to adopt agile. The course takes participants on a no nonsense tour of agile, designed for late adopters.


The orgin of the word is the Latin word 'elicit' meaning 'to drawn out by trickery or magic’!

The 6+1 Essential Questions that define a Requirements Approach

These days much our thinking seems to have been reduced to simple binary choices. In reality, most problems worth our attention are multi-dimensional by nature.

The Software Testing Canvas

The Software Testing Canvas is a tool for closing the gap between software testing theory and practice. Teams can use it as a collaborative tool for understanding, exploring and describing software testing strategies.

Rebooting the Use Case Diagram

Use cases have fallen out of favour in recent times with user stories becoming the preferred way for teams to manage requirements. In the rush away from use cases, everyone seems to have forgotten Use Case Diagrams.

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Lonsdale Systems